I debugged a .net 1.1 based windows application which exits silently upon start up. The problem itself is trivial and not worth mentioning. What I want to say is there is a subtle point about sos.dll version. When I was debugging, I started the application under windbg. Then issue ".loadby sos mscorwks" command to load sos.dll extension corresponds to the running .net framework. And I entered !DumpAllExceptions command which should exist in sos.dll for .net framework 1.1, but ended in not finding this command: No export DumpAllExceptions found Finally, I had to use "!DumpHeap -type Exception" to find out all exceptions. Having done some investigation, I found there are two sos.dll files for .net 1.1. One in .net framework installation folder, and one in windbg installation folder. The latter one is a full featured extension and support DumpAllExceptions command. I tried debugging the application again with sos.dll comes with windbg by issusing: ".load windbg_installation_folder/clr10/sos.dll". This time, DumpAllExceptions was back to life and worked like a charm. BTW, an alternative way to do !DumpAllExceptions is to take advantage of .foreach command. .foreach(exception {!DumpHeap -type Exception -short}) {!do exception; .echo print exception done !!! *****************} For convenience, below are commands supported by different version sos.dll. C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v1.1.4322\SOS.dll 0:000> !help SOS : Help COMState | List COM state for each thread ClrStack | Provides true managed stack trace, source and line numbers. Additional parameters: -p[arams] -l[ocals] -r[egs] -a[ll]. DumpClass DumpDomain [ DumpHeap [-stat] [-min 100] [-max 2000] [-mt 0x3000000] [-type DumpMD DumpMT [-MD] DumpModule DumpObj DumpStack [-EE] [-smart] [top stack [bottom stack] | -EE only shows managed stack items. DumpStackObjects [top stack [bottom stack] DumpVC EEHeap [-gc] [-win32] [-loader] | List GC/Loader heap info EEStack [-short] [-EE] | List all stacks EE knows EEVersion | List mscoree.dll version FinalizeQueue [-detail] | Work queue for finalize thread GCInfo [ GCRoot IP2MD Name2EE ObjSize [ ProcInfo [-env] [-time] [-mem] | Display the process info RWLock [-all] SyncBlk [-all|#] | List syncblock ThreadPool | Display CLR threadpool state Threads | List managed threads Token2EE u [ {windbg installation folder}\clr10\sos.dll 0:000> !help Did you know that a lot of exceptions (!dumpallexceptions) can cause memory problems. To see more tips, run !tip. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SOS is a debugger extension DLL designed to aid in the debugging of managed programs. Functions are listed by category, then roughly in order of importance. Shortcut names for popular functions are listed in parenthesis. Type "!help Object Inspection Examining code and stacks ----------------------------- ----------------------------- DumpObj (do) Threads (t) DumpAllExceptions (dae) CLRStack DumpStackObjects (dso) IP2MD DumpHeap (dh) U DumpVC DumpStack GCRoot EEStack ObjSize GCInfo FinalizeQueue COMState DumpDynamicAssemblies (dda) X DumpField (df) SearchStack TraverseHeap (th) GCRef Examining CLR data structures Diagnostic Utilities ----------------------------- ----------------------------- DumpDomain VerifyHeap (vh) EEHeap DumpLog Name2EE FindAppDomain SyncBlk SaveModule DumpASPNETCache (dac) SaveAllModules (sam) DumpMT GCHandles DumpClass GCHandleLeaks DumpMD FindDebugTrue Token2EE FindDebugModules EEVersion Bp DumpSig ProcInfo DumpModule StopOnException (soe) ThreadPool (tp) TD ConvertTicksToDate (ctd) Analysis ConvertVTDateToDate (cvtdd) Bl RWLock CheckCurrentException (cce) DumpConfig CurrentExceptionName (cen) DumpHttpRuntime ExceptionBp DumpSessionStateConfig FindTable DumpBuckets LoadCache DumpHistoryTable SaveCache DumpRequestTable ASPXPages DumpCollection (dc) DumpGCNotInProgress DumpDataTables CLRUsage GetWorkItems DumpLargeObjectSegments (dl) DumpModule DumpAssembly Other DumpMethodSig ----------------------------- DumpRuntimeTypes FAQ PrintIPAddress DumpHttpContext DumpXmlDocument (dxd) C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\SOS.dll 0:000> !help ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SOS is a debugger extension DLL designed to aid in the debugging of managed programs. Functions are listed by category, then roughly in order of importance. Shortcut names for popular functions are listed in parenthesis. Type "!help Object Inspection Examining code and stacks ----------------------------- ----------------------------- DumpObj (do) Threads DumpArray (da) CLRStack DumpStackObjects (dso) IP2MD DumpHeap U DumpVC DumpStack GCRoot EEStack ObjSize GCInfo FinalizeQueue EHInfo PrintException (pe) COMState TraverseHeap BPMD Examining CLR data structures Diagnostic Utilities ----------------------------- ----------------------------- DumpDomain VerifyHeap EEHeap DumpLog Name2EE FindAppDomain SyncBlk SaveModule DumpMT GCHandles DumpClass GCHandleLeaks DumpMD VMMap Token2EE VMStat EEVersion ProcInfo DumpModule StopOnException (soe) ThreadPool MinidumpMode DumpAssembly DumpMethodSig Other DumpRuntimeTypes ----------------------------- DumpSig FAQ RCWCleanupList DumpIL | |
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
windbg sos.dll version issue
Ex 15.4-5 of introduction to algorithms
Give an O(n squared)-time algorithm to find the longest monotonically increasing subsequence of a sequence of n numbers.
A brute-force approach is enumerate all subsequences of the n numbers and find out a monotonically increasing one with the longest length. This algorithm has a poor exponential running time.
This problem exhibit optimal substructure and overlapping subproblems properties, and is suited for dynamic programming.
Let A denotes the array of n numbers, A[i] is the ith number of the array.
Let P{i,j} denotes problem of finding the longest monotonically increasing subsequence. So the original problem is P{1,n}.
Let S(i,j) denotes the length of longest subsequence of P{i,j}.
Let M(i,j) denotes the largest number in the longest subsequence of P{i,j}. Note for P{i,j}, there may exist several subsequence has the same longest length, M(i,j) should be the smallest one of them.
For P{1,j}, if A[j] is larger than M(1,j-1), then S(1,j) equals S(1,j-1) plus 1. Otherwise, it equals S(1,j-1).
So, we have:
S(1,j) = S(1,j-1) if A[j] <> M[1,j-1]
The complicated thing in this procedure is how to maintain M's value correctly. The idea is if A[j] is larger than M(1,j-1), M(1,j) should be A[j]. If A[j] is smaller than M(1,j-1), M(1,j) should either be M(1,j-1) or A[j] if A[j] is larger than M(1,x) where S(1,x) is less than S(1,j-1).
This equation yields a n squared running time algorithm.
Having done some tests, the preceding algorithm failed for this case: "8 9 1 2 3 4".
The recursion can be performed another way. Let S(i) denotes the length of the longest subsequence that ended with item A(i). So, the relationship between a problem and its subproblem can be expressed as:
S(i) = max{ S(k)+1 } (k is between 0 and i -1) that all k satisfies A[k] is less than A[i]
And the final result is the largest one of array S.
Source code for this solution is here:
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
google against GFW
But, according to this, a new approach to china, it seems it's becoming less likely blogger.com will be unbanned. And things may become worse in china, more and more google services may be affected.
To some extent, I'm glad to see google can hold its motto "Don't be evil" firmly and stand out to fight against such extreme information blocking. But, it's hard to show full support to this action considering its consequence for google & chinese people. Just wait and see how chinese gov will response.
Update on March 23, 2010:
Finally, it happens: A new approach to China: an update. Applaud for you, google!
Sunday, January 10, 2010
fix "no module named readline" on windows
Luckily, the Ipython project provides an alternative readline module named pyreadline that can be used on windows and mac osx.
To install it:
1. Download pyreadline for windows.
2. unzip the setup file.
3. Copy PURELIB/readline.py and PURELIB/pyreadline to $(python_installation_folder)/Lib
After it's done, the repo script can run successfully.
Update: In order not to get the python installation folder polluted, we can create a directory for all manually installed python modules. And set PYTHONPATH environment variable to this directory so that modules installed here can be loaded.
Saturday, January 9, 2010
remove visual sourcesafe binding
There are a lot of articles about how to do this, I was following this one: Removing a Solution from Sourcesafe. But the problem is the project is comprised of two solutions, each with a bunch of projects. It's tedious to manually edit them manually. So, I managed to do this with following commands. These commands are available in cygwin on windows.
1. remove vss files
find ./ -name "*scc" | xargs rm
Explaination: this command uses find to get all files whose name end in "scc", then pipes the list to xargs. xargs will format the list in acceptable format and invoke rm to delete them.
There is a utility also named find on windows. In order to make sure the gnu find is invoked, I arranges the PATH environment variable so that the cygwin/bin folder precedes C:\windows\system32.
2. remove vss information in project files
find ./ -name "*.csproj" -exec sed -i '/Scc/ d'
Explaination: this command finds all files whose extension are ".csproj", and execute " sed -i '/Scc/ d' " on each file found. sed is a stream editor. This sed command searches for lines that have Scc and delete them. And the -i argument tells sed to edit file in place, so that the project gets updated.
3. restore file permission
find ./ -name "*.csproj" -exec chmod +rw {} ;
Explanation: after sed modifies a file, I lose all permission on that file. So I need to restore file permission with chmod. There is also a windows command line utility cacls can do this. And cacls can be a better choice here since microsoft internal tool may set file permission more properly than chmod.
Thursday, January 7, 2010
android property system
From the sense of function, it's very similar to windows registry. Many android applications and libraries directly or indirectly relies on this feature to determine their runtime behavior. For example, adbd process queries property service to check if it's running in emulator. Another example is the java.io.File.pathSeparator returns the value stored in property service.
How property system works
The high level architecture of property system is shown as following.
In the figure, there are three processes, a group of persistent property files and a shared memory block. The shared memory block is the container of all property records. Only the property service process can write to the shared memory block. It'll load property records from persistent the save them in the shared memory.
The consumer process loads the shared memory in its own virtual space and access properties directly. The setter process also loads the shared memory in its virtual space, but it can't write to the memory directly. When the setter tries to add or update a property, it sends the property to property service via unix domain socket. The property service will write the property to shared memory on behalf of the setter process, as well as to the persistent file.
Property service runs inside init process. The init process first creates a shared memory region and stores a fd to the region. Then init process maps the region into its virtual space with mmap with MAP_SHARED flag, as a result, any updates to this area can be seen by all processes. This fd and region size are saved in a environment variable named "ANDROID_PROPERTY_WORKSPACE". Any other processes like consumer and setter will use this environment variable to get the fd and size, so that they can mmap this region into its own virtual space. The layout of the shared memory is shown below.
After that, init process will load properties from following files:
The next step is start property service. In this step, a unix domain socket server is created. This socket's pathname is "/dev/socket/property_service" which is well known to other client processes.
Finally, init process calls poll to wait for connect event on the socket.
On the consumer side, when it initializes libc(bionic/libc/bionic/libc_common.c __libc_init_common function). It will retrieve the fd and size from environment variable, and map the shared memory into its own space(bionic/libc/bionic/system_properties.c __system_properties_init function). After that, libcutils can read property just as normal memory for the consumer.
Currently, properties can't be removed. That's to say, once a property has been added, it can't be removed, neither can its key be changed.
How to get/set properties
There are three main means to get/set properies on android.
1. native code
When writing native applications, property_get and property_set APIs can be used to get/set properties. To use them, we need to include cutils/properties.h and link against libcutils.
2. java code
Android also provides System.getProperty and System.setProperty functions in java library, our java application can use them to get/set properties.
Update: Andrew mentioned that android.os.SystemProperties class can manipulate native properties, though it's intended for internal usage only. It calls through jni into native property library to get/set properties.
3. shell script
Android provides getprop and setprop command line tool to retrieve and update properties. They can be used in shell script. They are implemented on top of libcutils.
Monday, January 4, 2010
understanding the android media framework
The figure below shows the dependency relationships between libraries of the media framework.
The core of the media framework is composed of libmedia, libmediaplayerservice and libmedia_jni. Their codes reside in frameworks/base/media folder.
libmedia defines the inheritance hierarchy and base interfaces. It’s the base library.
libmedia_jni is the shim between java application and native library. First, it implements the JNI specification so that it can be used by java application. Second, it implements the facade pattern for the convenience of caller.
libmediaplayerservice implements some of concrete players and the media service which will manage player instances.
The figure below shows the class hierarchy.
Note the BpInterface and BnInterface are template classes. Any instantiation of them also inherit the template argument INTERFACE as well.
In the class hierarchy diagram, though listed as a separate module, binder is actually implemented inside libutils component whose source code locate at /frameworks/base/libs/utils folder.
An interesting thing to note is in android, the application that intends to show the media content and the player that actually renders the media content run in different process. The red line in the sequence diagram below shows the boundary of two processes.
The figure shows three most common operations, creating a new player, setting datasource and playing. The last MediaPlayerBase object is the interface that MediaPlayerService::Client object uses to refer to the concrete player instance. The concrete player can be VorbisPlayer, PVPlayer, or any other player, depending on the type of the media to be played.
When an application creates a android.media.MediaPlayer object, it’s actually holding a proxy which can be used to manipulate the concrete player resides in the mediaserver process. During the whole procedure, two process communicates with Binder IPC mechanism.
Having knowledge above, it’s not difficult to understand why MediaPlayer doesn’t provide an API to use memory stream as source. Because the memory manipulated by the stream is in the address space of the application, and it’s not directly accessible by the mediaserver process.